Michael Lozovsky
My Research
I published several works in some leading Astrophysical journals such as ApJ, A&A and MNRAS:
Lozovsky M, Prialnik D., Podolak M (2023), About the loss of a primordial atmosphere of super-Earths by planetesimal impacts. MNRAS
Lozovsky M, Prialnik D., Podolak M, (2022) .The Effect of Accretion Rate and Composition on the Structure of Ice-rich Super-Earths. ApJ
Lozovsky, M. , Helled, R., C. Dorn, J. Venturini, R. Feldmann (2021). Why do moremassive stars host larger planets?. A&A
Armstrong D. J. et. al. (2020) A remnant planetary core in the hot-Neptune desert. Nature
Lozovsky, M. , Helled, R., C. Dorn, J. Venturini. (2018) Threshold Radii of Volatile-rich Planets. ApJ
Lozovsky, M., Helled, R., Rosenberg, E. D., Bodenheimer, P. (2017). Jupiter's Formation and Its Primordial Internal Structure. ApJ
Helled R., Lozovsky M., Zucker S. (2015). A possible correlation between planetary radius and orbital period for small planets. MNRAS
My Ph.D. topic was: The Composition and Internal Structure of Intermediate-mass Exoplanets
ORCID: 0000-0001-5451-3221