Michael Lozovsky
Press and Prizes:
Press Releases:
Why gassy planets are bigger around more-massive stars (nature);
Like star, like planet (UZH news) -
The stuff that planets are made of (ScienceDaily); The Stuff that Planets Are Made of (NCCR PlanetS)
Hebrew Wikipedia Awards:
In 2014 an article I wrote (Protostar) won commendation in the competition PhysiWiki 2.
In 2021 an article I wrote (History of the Jews of Odessa) won a third place in competition Wikishtetl. Press release here (Heb.)
Public Outreach:
Facebook is one of the major information sources today. I write very short articles in Hebrew, that are read by hundreds of Facebook users. Some examples:
Mars, Pluto, Uranus, Titan, Ceres, Venus, Pan, Europa, Io, Valles Marineris, Enceladus(1), Enceladus(2), ​Orion Constellation, Astronomy on Mars, Hubble deep field, Color of the Sun, Dark Nebula, Tsar Bomba, Juno mission, Jupiter's pole cyclones, Saturn's Hexagon, LISA, Radial Velocity, Dark Matter and Dark Energy, Martian dichotomy, Kelvin-Helmholtz clouds, Moonbow, Brown dwarfs, Planetshine, Spiral galaxies, Comets, Lise Meitner, 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, Space suit, Hot Jupiter, Venus transit, and many others.

PhysiWiki award, 2014; With Prof. Yoni Toker

Wikishtetl award, 2021; With Prof. Yehudah Brandes and Mrs. Revital Poleg